  • I still have a valid Safety Passport, but I'm changing companies.


    To obtain a valid Safety Passport with your new company name, you need to be invited by a Safety Passport administrator from your new company and complete your new Safety Passport Course.


    It is not possible for a company to take over a valid Safety Passport, which was purchased and managed by another company.


    However, when your new Safety Passport is registered, you can use the “Merge” function to transfer any other training history featured on your old account. Please also see the instruction video in your "Download Center", when logged in to your account.


    Step 1: Log in to https://www.hsse-thesafetypassport.com with the login credentials of your newly created learner account.


    Step 2: Click on “Merge” at the top of your learner dashboard.


    Step 3: Fill in the login name and password of your old learner account.


    Step 4: Check your data and click on the button “Merge” to transfer the training history and to inactivate your old account. Please be aware that any Safety Passport training history will not be transferred.